How to Repair Furniture Likes a Professional


How to Repair Furniture Likes a ProfessionalYou really don’t always need to hire professional help every time your furniture needs repair.
First, it can be very expensive, and second, it’s never a good idea to have strangers in and out of your home often. Unless your furniture is completely damaged (i.e. destroyed), chances are you can repair it yourself. And besides, if your furniture is badly damaged, it is better to replace it than take it to repair.

Yes, fixing your own stuff is a tough thing, especially if you’ve never touched a screwdriver or hammer in your life. It sounds like a tough job, but it’s actually very easy. If you clearly identify the source of the damage and evaluate it wisely, there is no reason not to do so. All it takes is courage and maybe, just maybe, a few of these helpful hints.

There are tools. To be an instant repairman, your home toolbox should have at least a good hammer, a pair of pliers, a tape measure, and sharp cutting materials. Buy the right brand even though it may be more expensive as they will definitely last longer and perform better.

Perform pre-emptive attacks. Repair your furniture as soon as you notice minor damage like loose joints and scratches. These are usually the result of wear and tear from regular use and they usually occur on most furniture. However, if left untreated, they can become more serious and more difficult and expensive to repair.

Paste it. One of the biggest mistakes people often make when repairing furniture themselves is using nails and screws to attach broken parts together. Unless they were originally made that way, you can simply use glue – wood glue – and wooden slats if needed.

Nails and screws alter the supposed appearance of furniture and they inflict terrible horror on originally beautiful pieces. Glue, on the other hand, isn’t noticeable as it dries, and good glues can be strong enough to put broken parts back together.

Handle with care. Many people end up causing additional damage to their belongings when repairing it. They focus so much on repairs that they no longer notice that they have caused scratches, dents, and even stains. Don’t forget to protect the corners, surface finishes and handles of the furniture during repairs.

Photos of the How to Repair Furniture Likes a Professional


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